At DA!MOSCOW, we will present several historical things from the times of Perestroika — for example, the work of Sergei Mironenko "The Century of Modernism", "Elements" by Andrey Filippov, and a huge canvas by Nikolai Filatov in 1988. We will also present for the first time the works of Veronica Smirnoff, which are part of the "My Garden of Eden" project.
Elena Kuprina-Lyahovich
Николай Филатов | Nikolay Filatov
Рассвет | Dawn
Витас Стасюнас | Vitas Stasunas
Старовер (Омуль), из серии «Консервы» | Old Ritualist (Arctic Сisco), 'Preserves' series
Дмитрий Пригов | Dmitri Prigov
Свобода | Freedom
Паруйр Давтян | Paruire Davtyan
Матисс, из проекта «Элементарий» | Matisse, 'Elementary' project